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Bye Bye Monitor...

Started by ghm72, October 18, 2021, 04:58:56 PM


I've had the day from hell so far today,  >:D

I went to drink my first cup of tea this morning and while doing so I managed to cough while swallowing & the Tea ended up all over the computer and the monitor.

Computer is fine just needed a wipe down but I seem to have broken the Monitor Tea has got into the electrics and now it wont work.

Thats the 3rd thing computer wise I've broken so far this year. I'm not safe to use a computer on my own  :hihi:

Now I have to work out why the resolution of the main playout computer is borked on my TV as I've had to wire that up to the TV as I've no spare monitor


can you disassemble the monitor and dry out the internals with a hair dryer and ear swabs / alcohol?


Not easily NO its been such a faff because the monitor was on a monitor arm & that weighed a ton.

The Monitor had a touch pad to turn it on and off and Tea has got in there

My poor back is suffering from swapping monitors... Not easy fitting a monitor arm on your own.

Last time the monitors were out of the arms was 7 years ago.


Its goes from bad to EVEN worse here the Other 32GB machine needed a Windows 10 refresh, it refreshed it and the Screen resolution wasn't right. Went to change it and Bang now I can't get the computer booted or showing anything on screen...

This is going to get costly as its beyond my remit. Need a computer whizz to take a look at it.

I could F*****G Cry! :'(


Can you boot to a winPE environment on usb stick & press f8 to get to safe mode ?