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Connecting Remote RadioDJ Instances to MariaDB with Heidi - Assistance Needed

Started by noelboulos, October 21, 2023, 12:14:20 AM


Hello everyone,

I'm currently tackling a challenge and would greatly appreciate any guidance or expertise you can provide. I aim to connect two RadioDJ instances to the same MariaDB using Heidi. However, the on-air machine is in a different country on a separate network. My objective is to seamlessly control it from my admin machine. Any advice or step-by-step instructions on accomplishing this would be highly valuable. Thank you in advance!


you might want to have VNC server installed on the main RadioDJ machine, and then remote into that machine to control it.

why are you using the old version 1.7?


I'm still using the old version because when I attempted to upgrade to v2, it didn't work properly, and I don't know how to migrate and use the same database.



Phobicolly Please stop reporting your own posts it won't get you help any quicker

If you're migrating from an older version search the forums for instructions most of those instructions are in the releases forum