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new installation help

Started by Music Box, December 02, 2023, 02:40:32 PM

Music Box

Hi all, I bought in new pc with Windows 10 Pro and I am trying to transfer RadioDJ from another computer. I have installed MariaDB 10.5, RadioDJ, Omnia 9, I copied the path of Music folders with subfolders and the database naming it as the one on the old pc. So far so good, after.... the problem:
RadioDJ starts perfectly in the main screen everything is the same as the old one (settings, plugins, jingles and songs). When I run autoplay the software plays only the jingles not the songs. I've tried them all, optimized the database successfully, repositioned the tracks, verified them, updated the associated artists, synchronized the folders, enabled the fles, but the songs don't seem to exist. Qua request, am I missing some other step that I don't know about? This request is so I don't miss all the intro, outro, hook in and hook out points of about 8,000 files, a two year job.
Any help is most welcome.
Thank you

Music Box

Hello everyone, breaking my head I solved the problem.
It was enough to replace MariDB 10.5 with MariaDB 10.8
Problem solved, the new pc works just like the old one. :OK:


What about saving cue points to tags does that help?


Yep. I tend to find that most big problems with RadioDJ tend to actually be an issue with the database software. I usually start diagnosing RadioDJ itself, and forget to check the MariaDB software & database.

Music Box

Hi Dave, I must say that all the cue points and tags are all in place. My fear was that I would lose all my work but luckily replacing Maria Db prevented that from happening. The idea of replacing MariaDb came to me from reading the pdf written and shared by Johnny, whom I thank.  :ok:
Now RadioDj works perfectly on the new pc.