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Edcast Standalone 3.1

Started by bogointeractive, May 18, 2012, 08:46:55 PM


OK I am wanting to switch my streams all over to AAC from mp3. I am using edcast_standalone_3.1.21.exe and I am not remembering is there an AAC dll I need to get? Please help.


Go to my Baldyradio downloads page I think one of the Edcast files has the AAC encoder .dll file inside a Zip file.


you will need the aac_plus.dll and the dll nscrt.dll both inside the edcast folder. for the aac to work. think thats what they are called.


Actually found them in among my Back ups download the attached ZIP file place both in Edcast folder.

And AAC encoding should be available.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Should be No need to reinstall edcast - Just place the files in the edcast folder and restart edcast. it should see the .dll files automatically.


Who on earth uses windows media player these days.??? But yes WMP does need the Orban plugin to stream AAC+

I swear by VLC these days.


Just a thought -

128Kbps on AAC+ is a lot. You can get CD quality sound at 64Kbps and save on bandwidth.

My opinion FWIW...  ;)



AAC+ Can only stream up to 128k i've actually found it doesn't sound too bad at 48k on ACC+ any lower it starts sounding naff.

It also depends on what your sound processing with and what bitrate your audio files are encoded at.

Guess its one of those things that sounds different to different people.



Quote from: bogointeractive on May 20, 2012, 08:19:47 PM
I am using the EQ settings in RadioDj and just have edcast setup normally for right now. http://cdn.cloudrad.io/homebody/listen.pls is one and the other is http://cdn.cloudrad.io/levinoldies/listen.pls so give it a test and tell me what you think.

Sounds good to me also.  :)



Oh, BOY that sounds good. :)

Quick question:

I'm listening in Winamp and I noticed that the song displays as "Artist - Artist - Song Title".

Is that intentional?



Quote from: bogointeractive on May 20, 2012, 10:27:42 PM
No that is because I have not gone in to edit the DB of songs. That is lazy on my part. Just hoping it works and sounds good. I wish I could get these on one PC to sounds nice and less work. http://cdn.cloudrad.io/asylumradio/listen.pls is the last one. I have it up to 192 on AAC+ so what can I take it down to?

Since the song I just heard was Metallica, I would start with 96Kbps because that kind of music seems to use a wider range on the spectrum.  ;)



Quote from: bogointeractive on May 21, 2012, 12:40:50 AM
OK is that going to equal to 192k?

Assuming we're still talking about AAC+, oh yes, it's more than enough for heavy metal.  :)



You must have been editing when I was answering. LOL  :D

I use mp3, so let me play with mine and I'll give an opinion in a few minutes....



I've been listening all this time and I didn't hear any change whatsoever when you changed it . Ozzy is on right now and it still sounds just as good. Where you have it sounds great to me.


PS Guns -n- Roses just came on and it sounds fantastic!  ;D