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Edcast Standalone 3.1

Started by bogointeractive, May 18, 2012, 08:46:55 PM


Quote from: bogointeractive on May 21, 2012, 12:40:50 AM
I have "ADTS" "ADIF" "ADTS CRC" and "RAW" I am not sure what is what.

I have Edcast 3.1.21 with the aac+ encoder and I don't see this. Where are these settings you are referring to?



Quote from: bogointeractive on May 21, 2012, 03:27:39 AM
They are in the omnia a/xe from telos that I have a copy of.

Oh, no wonder I can't find it! LOL  :D

Just a heads up -

I'm listening to the 80's, 90's stream (more my cup of tea) and I noticed some very faint skipping. Just every once in a while, not often. On my computers, RDJ starts doing that when memory is starting to run low. You have any other programs running?



QuoteIt might be when I am VNC into the machine

Glad im Not the only person that has Problems with the Stream skipping when i try and Use VNC to control it remotely. its usually happens if i leave VNC open and the connection between PC's just causes everything to Freeze.

Even with an update to the Tight VNC software hasn't fixed it.

Anyways - Im now Streaming in AAC+ have a Listen tell us what you think? Its a Stream i use for personal use. Sometimes you will hear the Backup stream jingles/music we broadcast for a community station.

if the server is Off it usually means im Busy doing maintence on the Music Files or Computer.

**Update Edcast 3.37 Garbled Audio again** ..... so back to v3.2.1


I knew Nothing about the garbled audio bug when i put the download on my page. I will remove it at some point this week its a right royal pain because i was liking the new feature of the Limiter.

Maybe it will improve when Riocast is Born with version 4.


Replaced that Edcast download with the AAC+ and Lame  Files needed to stream with and Left the Default download as v3.2.1

As for Your Problem with Tight VNC Stuttering try Ultra VNC we switched over because of the Stuttering problem, Hoping it will solve that.


Speaking of garble and such.  I have downgraded my Lame dll to 3.93.1 and all seems to be good.

You can get it here, plus information of why people are using the downgrade.


Note at the very end of the posts is a download zip of 3.93.1
Forest Green Radio
Victoria Country, New Brunswick


Thanks for that Vanlen i've updated the file on the PC streaming and the zip download from my website, will give 3.37 another go at some point during the wee. and see if it still sends out Garbled Sound at this end.


It's still happening on our remote desktop via ultra vnc it a windows problem by look of things.

Can't be doing with a Stuttering anything .....

Don't know if this of any help But https://forum.ultravnc.net/viewtopic.php?t=27332 Ultra VNC forums post on best performance for W7 May also help on XP


Also under Ultra VNC Properties make sure Max CPU is set to 30.

So far so good here since i changed the settings.


Yes that's why i said it. Haven't had much chance to test the settings but for the little time i as using the VNC connection it didn't stutter. with the new settings.


Quote from: bogointeractive on June 05, 2012, 09:02:29 PM
to me it seems to be working a lot better for me. I like it thus far. It has not stuttered for me as of yet. And that is on gigabit wired.

That's great to hear i've only had mine stutter once after i connected earlier other than that it is running a lot more smoothly.


The Stutter is Back I'm at a loss as to what the hell is causing it. Remote PC works fine until i try and log on then after 2 mins its stutters like hell again.

Doing me nut in now.


Thanks for that I'm currently installing the 15 updates.

Will see how VNC copes tomorrow as it's late and i need me Bed.


Check Windoiws Update Bogo several Patches today and VNC seems to behaving itself!!