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RadioDJ Manual Update.

Started by ghm72, November 24, 2013, 04:02:15 PM


Thanks Marius,
Think it's great that you want to help with some things, know you're busy enough. but certainly appreciate it.  :cool:

Positive or negative comments! can only be good, and can make it a good tutorial, just because I'm not a writer I have a lot of fun in making it.  :D


ps: It's gonna be listening to his masters voice  :D :D :D


Just want to also say thank you for your hard work Jhonny.  :ok:

It helps us greatly on the forums when other members go out of their way to help and do stuff like this. It's just another reason why this forum works so well... 

If you were nearer I'd offer to buy you a beer or 2!

When Marius has helped get the typos out of it i will put a post up on my blog linking to a download of the tutorial!


Thanks KingsbridgeRadio,

You have also helped me several times, and I appreciate that very much.
And yes, it is a good forum, everyone helps where he can.
I take my hat off for everyone who helps to makes it's such a good forum.



I just saw this posting. Its been awhile since I checked the forums. I saw the request to get the manual rewritten and if I knew the program better I'd offer to help. I do have a suggestion. How about doing a WIKI for the program. That way just the sections that have changes can be updated without the whole manual being redone. Perhaps too within the main screen of the program a help button can be put in that would take you directly to the WIKI.


Quote from: kjdunn29680 on January 24, 2014, 10:44:53 PM
(...) How about doing a WIKI (...)
+1 for wiki.
That was my first thought after reading first posts in this thread. We just have to persuade Marius to set up a Wiki. It would make thing a lot easier.
I'd be happy to lend my hand and writing skill for better documentation.

Raise your hands!


Quote from: AndyDeGroo on January 24, 2014, 11:25:30 PM
+1 for wiki.
That was my first thought after reading first posts in this thread. We just have to persuade Marius to set up a Wiki. It would make thing a lot easier.
I'd be happy to lend my hand and writing skill for better documentation.

Raise your hands!

We tried a Wiki page for RadioDJ about 2 years ago. It just went by the wayside no one added to it and hardly anyone wanted to help with it.

I'm sure if you can get one running again it would be useful as the software is better known now and maybe just maybe people will help.


I will make some how to tutorial videos and put them on youtube with voice instructions, I can go step by step on different things...  I have time to put videos out each week.  let me know what you think.. maybe i could have time to put together some how to pdf on different things.
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Quote from: theparty.fm on June 17, 2016, 11:54:34 AM
I will make some how to tutorial videos and put them on youtube with voice instructions, I can go step by step on different things...  I have time to put videos out each week.  let me know what you think.. maybe i could have time to put together some how to pdf on different things.

This is a good idea but keep in mind that YouTube blocks audio is a track is detected that is "copyrighted". Or in worst case, the video wont be shown ín certain countries.
Running 3 editions V1.8.2 at www.salto.nl and v1.8.2 at radio251.nl. ( NOW with 2 live studio's! )


Top, Theparty.fm.  :cool:

But read the forum, where the most problems are, to make a video for it. 8)

And please leave me a link where the video is, i place it on the tutorial site. :hihi:

Good tutorials can contribute a lot, special videos.


Will do I will start later this coming week sit down and do a few... Thanks :)
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Bit late posting/updating this sticky this on this topic:

The RadioDJ help manual was given an update a few months back by one of the users on here.

Here's the download links:


It seems people have had issues opening the .chm file on Windows 10  :bash:

I searched and found a program called "Sumatra PDF" which is able to open the .chm file on Windows 10 (Just tested)
