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Connecting RadioDJ On Another PC To MYSQL

Started by ronsedaille, September 14, 2014, 06:07:25 AM


for an stand alone music playlist generator or track manager

I disable this dll and xml for plugnis folder

auxiliar player
and stop events.

In that way Radio Dj only display file browser to administrative prorpours
trackManager Playlist builder Options Utilitis

And work perfect

I run Radio DJ in 6 machine with diferent Operation Sistem.
1 of them only contect to mysql from my house on a public ip address to manage events and playlist.




Thanks for replying  :)

My purpose of doing this is to play the music and jingles that I have in the main pc on another pc that it is on the second studio of our radio. Could I play the music from there?
My music folder is on the desktop (it's drive C). If I share this folder and map the shared folder on the other pc, it will work? Or I have to move the folder to another hard drive?

If I have to move the folder, there's an option to change the location of files from Radio DJ?


In bouth pc the mapper letter may be the same


PC 1 contain mysql and the music falder

Shared the folder and map in the same pc as z:\radiodj

Pc 2 conect drive z to the shared folder in pc 1

If the bouth folder aré the same the music will play


Thanks to everyone. Now I only have one problem: the music folder is on the desktop of the main hardrive (C:). I have to move the folder to another drive or partition? There's any way to change the location of all the songs on radiodj or I have to change the location of every song manually?


Quote from: radiovoltrega on May 27, 2015, 05:29:45 PM
Thanks to everyone. Now I only have one problem: the music folder is on the desktop of the main hardrive (C:). I have to move the folder to another drive or partition? There's any way to change the location of all the songs on radiodj or I have to change the location of every song manually?

Just use "Relocate tracks" from the utilities menu


Thank you! Now it woks perfect!!!  :cool: :cool: :) Radio Dj is the best!


I'm hoping this is a good place for my question (this seems close to my hopeful setup), forgive me if a bit redundant but I am a newbie here (haven't even committed to download RadioDJ yet because still shopping and unsure if this is possible). ...
I need to fully setup and edit the next day's 12 hour automated rotation while today's automated rotation (that I edited yesterday - needing no further editing or attention) is currently playing/streaming.  The history and no-repeat rules are of most importance for all day-to-day rotations. 

On Sunday I set up an automated rotation (complete with rules not to repeat songs/artists) to stream for 12 hours on Monday.  On Monday, while that rotation is streaming, I need to generate another rotation for Tuesday (using the same rules and history, again to negate any repeats).  With each day's new rotation I am heavy on the editing, inserting pre-recorded breaks and sweepers (done in a separate studio and program) that are unique for the day of broadcast, switching out songs here and there, fine-tuning playlists, etc.

Can this be accomplished on one PC running my only version of RDJ, or do I need 2 versions on 1 PC or 2 PCs with their own versions on each?  The shared history for no-repeat rules is a concept I can't seem to find much on here and wrap my head around how different versions/PCs would/could utilize/share such info (rules and playlists) from another version which is theoretically running solo independently. In essence, due to the variety and vastness of the database, I don't want songs/artist to repeat perhaps over several days.   Does that make sense?  Possible somehow?
Thank you. ==


Quote from: mixycsabi on May 20, 2015, 08:05:45 PM
Hi radiovoltrega!

You have two options:
1, Copy all music from main PC to local computer. for example: from main PC d:/music to local PC d:/music (of course you need to copy the jingles, sweepers promos.... folder too)
2, Share the main PC music folder's drive, then connect network drive on the local PC the drive letter needs to same!
I think the second option is the better (I'm using this ;D)

with all the tutorials I have successfully put the software on my production computer....because, well, at any radio studio, you have production and mastrer control. the Database is linked and thanks to the suggestion above, after renaming the drive letter of my DVD player,  I am using the same drive letter to play audio.  Really works nice, and this is a standard setup (or should be) for any studios I have worked in commerical radio.

I'm guessing that any audio I import using the production computer will be passed over to the main control computer? since i'm linked with both the data and audio, this should be the case, but thought I'd ask.

Most commerical radio stations have software (wide orbit, mediatouch) that have separate programs to import audio. I see it's been requested already, so look to that option.

TCAN-The Time Capsule Audio Network
100 years in 7 days.....The music and sounds of the 20th Century.



Just a clarification: In a 2 PC setup (pc1=main and pc2=production), does the server IP of the SQL Server  in PC1 have to be the same as its assigned IP address for LAN purposes, so that PC2's (production) SQL Server will reference PC1's assigned IP address for the two to communicate as far as the database is concerned?


Quote from: kaypee808 on November 18, 2015, 07:33:30 AM
Just a clarification: In a 2 PC setup (pc1=main and pc2=production), does the server IP of the SQL Server  in PC1 have to be the same as its assigned IP address for LAN purposes, so that PC2's (production) SQL Server will reference PC1's assigned IP address for the two to communicate as far as the database is concerned?


The way you've asked the question is not clear at all but I'll try to explain with example setup:

PC1 or main:
1) Running MySQL or MariaDB server
2) Has a LAN IP
3) RadioDJ can connect to the database either using the LAN IP or loopback IP (

PC2 or production:
1) Does not run it's own database and relies on the PC1 for that
2) Has a LAN IP
3) RadioDJ can connect to database on PC1 ONLY using the LAN IP of PC1 (

Hope that helps,
I am, therefore I think.
I design and develop web apps, and have created few RadioDJ plugins - https://axellence.lv/downloads/


 Thank you Valdis!  That answer is the clearest illustration that I have been looking for. What I will do with the actual audio files in PC1 and PC2, is that since PC2 is my input for editing, ad preparation, playlist editing, programming, etc.,  I will follow the same structure (local drive letter, folder and sub-folders) of PC1 for PC2 and I will just map the audio files in PC1, then I will use a uni-directional synchronization/backup software like NovaBackup Pro or even Microsoft Synctoy (PC2 ==> PC1 with auto-differential backup) that mirrors automatically (maybe, every minute) the audio folder and files in PC2 and copy any files (especially new ones  and keep sub-folder structures) to PC1 Audio folder. This way, if PC1 Audio folder goes bad, I have an exact copy of all audio files in PC2. In other illustrations in this thread, there is only one location of Audio Folder/Files which is in PC1 (Main Computer). I am not sure if this is possible but I think it should work. The only shared file would be the SQL database file which resides in PC1.

FL Coast

Quote from: kaypee808 on November 18, 2015, 10:57:36 AM
Thank you Valdis!  That answer is the clearest illustration that I have been looking for. What I will do with the actual audio files in PC1 and PC2, is that since PC2 is my input for editing, ad preparation, playlist editing, programming, etc.,  I will follow the same structure (local drive letter, folder and sub-folders) of PC1 for PC2 and I will just map the audio files in PC1, then I will use a uni-directional synchronization/backup software like NovaBackup Pro or even Microsoft Synctoy (PC2 ==> PC1 with auto-differential backup) that mirrors automatically (maybe, every minute) the audio folder and files in PC2 and copy any files (especially new ones  and keep sub-folder structures) to PC1 Audio folder. This way, if PC1 Audio folder goes bad, I have an exact copy of all audio files in PC2. In other illustrations in this thread, there is only one location of Audio Folder/Files which is in PC1 (Main Computer). I am not sure if this is possible but I think it should work. The only shared file would be the SQL database file which resides in PC1.

Welcome kaypee808 to the RadioDJ community.

The setup you are describing is exactly what I have been using for over a year.  I have had no issues and it is the best way to keep an exact copy of everything in case there is an issue with PC1, you can throw PC2 On Air in just a few minutes.  I used Microsoft's SyncToy 2.1 for quite a while but now prefer the open source program FreeFileSync to maintain my music files on PC1.  It has a few more options.

The other thing you should not forget to be totally protected, or as much as you can be, is to Back-up your database on a regular basis.  I have my PC1 set to back-up the database 2 times per day.  That way I can have an up to date database to use in case the RadioDJ gets corrupted.  I maintain 7 days or 14 back-ups at all times on PC1.

I also have PC2 set to back-up the database each time I connect that machine to the database.  This allows me to have a copy of the database at the exact moment before I make changes to anything.  This back-up is saved to PC2 in the RadioDJ>Set-up>Back-up folder.  This is good to have in case the hard drive or PC1 crashes, you will have a copy of the database you can access and be back on the air in a few minutes on PC2.

I hope this helps as well.

:)    Play the Music and Have Fun!    :ok:
Fun In The Sun,  From the Florida Coast
"It is what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts."
John Wooden 1910 - 2010


Hi there
            Please could someone help me to allow two pcs to run on the same server as I like to use one for advents or weather and one for songs.

The server on both my tower and laptop is the MariaDB 10.1 and this is the set up on both machines.

Hostname IP
Prompt for credentials in untick.
User is set as root.
port 3306 and set up on router for both computers.
Compressed client/server protocool unticked.
Databases: is saying separated by semicolon.
Comment has nothing in it.

Both datebases for radio dj are set up and records are in both computers.
Both machine can run radio dj on server if there is only one on the server.

Now I do not understand how to make a drive as all music is on C: drive on both machines.

Can you help me please.


I love that all audio files on either a PC (PC1 Distant ) radiodj with the software , and the hen I add a song in the software , it is added automatically in the Pc2 (other Ip)

The problem that arises is the path of the file: // musics / , the Pc2 should have a network file path \\ serverPc1 \ musics \ adele- hello.mp3

How to do that ?

Visitez ModemRadio www.modemradio.fr


I've used these instructions and starts off working fine for 2 machines for me, and then I go back to the computers, and weill not play audio. database is there, the setup when clicking to validate says the DB is there, everything looks good, and I have set the source for the audio the same as the primary machine, but when I load the audio from the DB manually, I just get a blank screen, and it happens with more then one file. instant players all dead.

I know I set it up right, because it DID work, but now even when I tried to reboot did nothing. I'm think I'm missing something. static IP set for the source machine. using maria DB and win 7 for the primary and win XP and win 7 for the attached machines.

any ideas?

Scott S.

Quote from: packzap on September 16, 2014, 03:38:52 AM

  • Map a drive letter to the master song library location on pc 1. For example "R". Set both pc's to see that mapped location. 
  • Set up a second SQL account in the database for the second pc. See tutorial for more info on this step, http://www.radiodj.ro/tutorials/how-to-add-a-remote-mysql-user.html.
  • Copy the entire RadioDJ folder and subfolders to c:\ of second pc.
  • Go to c:\radiodj\setup on second pc and double click "database setup.exe" to start it up.
  • On the database installation tab, MySQL server line, enter in the ip address of the machine containing the RadioDJ mysql database.
  • MySQL database name is the default one "radiodj161".
  • Enter the mysql username & password created for this second pc in the mysql user manager (Heidi) from the host pc.
    Click "Validate". After a few seconds, it should say "Mysql server is online" in green at bottom left of window.
  • Click "OK" and window should close.
  • Go to c:\radiodj folder and run radiodj.exe. The program should come up.  Check Tracks Manager to see if any songs are listed.  If not, install was not correct.
TCAN-The Time Capsule Audio Network
100 years in 7 days.....The music and sounds of the 20th Century.
