Why Sweepers Are Not Added To The Tracks When A Playlist Is Generated By Auto DJ?
Auto DJ is generating the playlists based on the rotation you are creating. On each rotation entry you can set if the track will be played as it is, or it will have a sweeper over it. If you choose to play it with a sweeper, you can also set its position (start, intro, end).
Does this mean that if i set an entry to play a sweeper over the intro all tracks picked by that entry will have a sweeper?
No! First of all, the intro cue point must exist on the picked track (add it using the cue editor) and also you must have at least a sweeper which will fit in the intro duration. So, if the track has 3 seconds of intro, but none of the imported sweepers is that short, then no sweeper will be added to that track.
However for the start/end position, the sweeper duration is not taken into consideration.
I assigned some sweepers to a few tracks, but they are not added to the tracks! Why?
As i wrote in the beginning of this article, the rotation will decide if a track will have a sweeper, or not. If the entry which picks your track is set to have a sweeper, then it will have one, if not, it won’t. Remember that assigning a sweeper to a track will not override the rotation.
Then, what’s the point of assigning them?
If a track doesn’t have any assigned sweeper and the rotation says that the track must play with one, the sweeper will be picked up from the active sweeper category, but if it does have some sweepers assigned, then it will choose one from there. Again, the intro logic is applied, so if the assigned sweepers are longer than the intro and if the rotation rule says that the sweeper must be played on intro, no sweeper will be played.
Bellow is a diagram of the logic behind the rotation sweepers.